onsdag 26 december 2012

Utebliven amning ökar (nog) risken för övervikt och fetma

Evidence on the long-term effects of breastfeeding : systematic review and meta-analyses / Bernardo L. Horta ... [et al.].
© World Health Organization 2007 

Effect on overweight and obesity: We obtained 39 estimates of the effect of breastfeeding on prevalence of overweight/obesity. In a random-effects model, breastfed individuals were less likely to be considered as overweight and/or obese, with a pooled odds ratio of 0.78 (95% CI: 0.72–0.84). Control for confounding, age at assessment, year of birth, and study design did not modify the effect of breastfeeding. Because a statistically significant protective effect was observed among those studies that controlled for socioeconomic status and parental anthropometry, as well as with >1500 participants, the effect of breastfeeding was not likely to be due to publication bias or confounding.


utlagt av Marit Olanders

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